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System Development Kit for sanos



Although sanos applications are normally compiled under Windows you can also compile your applications under sanos using the sanos system development kit (SDK).

The sanos SDK consists the following components:

I've made a virtual disk image (.vmdk) with the the sanos SDK. The image contains a bootable copy of sanos, the C compiler, assembler, development utilities, source files, runtime library, and some sample programs. The SDK also has a copy of the QEMU PC emulator. You can boot the image by running the runsanos.cmd script. You can also run this under Linux if you install the QEMU PC emulator:

sudo apt-get install qemu
qemu sanos.vmdk -net user -net nic,model=virtio

If you want to try the C compiler go to the /usr/src/utils/samples directory and compile the hello sample program:

/$ cd /usr/src/utils/samples
/usr/src/utils/samples$ cat hello.c
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  printf("hello world\n");
  return 0;
/usr/src/utils/samples$ cc hello.c
/usr/src/utils/samples$ ./hello
hello world
/usr/src/utils/samples$ _


Building the SDK


The source files for the SDK are included in the source release of sanos. You can build the disk image with the SDK using the nmake sdkdisk command. This will make a virtual disk image in \sanos\win\img\sanos.vmdk.

The Makefile first builds sanos, including some additional development utilities (ar, make, and impdef). Next, the assembler (as.exe) and C compiler (cc.exe) are built using the Visual Studio C compiler.

The libc.lib file in \sanos\win\lib is the sanos C runtime library for building sanos programs using the Microsoft C compiler. It is in COFF LIB format. This library cannot be used by the Tiny C compiler. The Tiny C compiler uses ELF object (.o) and archive (.a) files like the GNU compiler (gcc). In order to compile programs under sanos we need to build a C runtime library that can be used with TCC. To do this, we use the Tiny C compiler compiled for sanos (cc.exe). This can be run under Windows because of the special version of os.dll placed in the \sanos\sdk\bin directory. This is the sanos-on-windows edition of os.dll. This is an implementation of the sanos API running under win32.


Building the SDK under sanos


You can also build the C compiler, assembler, make, ar, impdef, and the C runtime library under sanos. The /usr/src directory contains a Makefile for rebuilding the tools and the runtime library while running sanos:

/$ cd /usr/src
/usr/src$ make sdk
/usr/src$ make install-sdk


Command line options for C Compiler

usage: cc [-v] [-c] [-o outfile] [-Bdir] [-bench] [-Idir] [-Dsym[=val]] [-Usym]
          [-Wwarn] [-g] [-Ldir] [-llib] [-shared] [-soname name]
          [-static] [infile1 infile2...]

General options:
  -v           display current version, increase verbosity
  -c           compile only - generate an object file
  -o outfile   set output filename
  -B dir       set tcc internal library path
  -bench       output compilation statistics
  -fflag       set or reset (with 'no-' prefix) 'flag' (see man page)
  -Wwarning    set or reset (with 'no-' prefix) 'warning' (see man page)
  -w           disable all warnings
  -g           generate runtime debug info
Preprocessor options:
  -E           preprocess only
  -Idir        add include path 'dir'
  -Dsym[=val]  define 'sym' with value 'val'
  -Usym        undefine 'sym'
Linker options:
  -Ldir        add library path 'dir'
  -llib        link with dynamic or static library 'lib'
  -shared      generate a shared library
  -soname      set name for shared library to be used at runtime
  -entry sym   set start symbol name
  -fixed addr  set base address (and do not generate relocation info)
  -filealign n alignment for sections in PE file
  -stub file   set DOS stub for PE file
  -def file    generate import definition file for shared library
  -static      static linking
  -rdynamic    export all global symbols to dynamic linker
  -r           generate (relocatable) object file
  -m mapfile   generate linker map file