RC700 Articles
This is a collection of articles and other material related to Regnecentralen
RC700 hardware and software. Most of these articles are in Danish.
RC-INFO was a regular newsletter from Regnecentralen in Datalærebladet, edited
by Erling Schmidt. This contained the latest news about RC products with
special focus on schools and education. This is an excellent source of
historical information about the RC700.
Design documents
- RC700 prisliste 1983
- RC763 Winchester Pladelager datablad
- RC700 advertisment: I know for a fact that the story about the "RC700 drop" is true, because I was there when it happened. Just for the record, we did not drop the monitor on the floor, only the CPU unit.
- Kommunevalget 1981 og DAKS: The story about the KV81 system in COMAL for RC702, which was used for the local elections in Aalborg in 1981.
- Marathon programmering: Article from Datalærebladet about a COMAL system I made together with Jens Mortensen for keeping track of race results and medals for the 1981 Danish 20 km championship.
- Piccoline-syndromet: Article by DR Viden about Regnecentralen Piccolo/Piccoline in the Danish schools in the 1980s.